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da | Dic 16, 2019

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The prostate is a gland attached to the male genitourinary system that physiologically  enlarges with age. This absolutely benign modification, can result in obstruction of the urethra and give rise to the so-called LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms): increase in daytime and nighttime frequency, difficulty in emptying the bladder completely and feeling of heaviness, difficulty in postpone the urination, weak flow, etc. In addition, the prostate can experience both acute and chronic inflammation (prostatitis), which also leads to LUTS.

UTB86lMGoYPJXKJkSafSq6yqUXXaQDelthaprost is a food supplement based on Theoside, Palmitoiletanolamide (PEA), NAcetylcysteine, Resveratrol, Phytosomial Curcuma (Meriva) and Pumpkin Seeds, useful in restoring and maintaining normal functions of the male urinary tract by exploiting the synergy between innovative and natural components.

Teoside is extracted from cultures of plant stem cells of Ajuga reptans, a herbaceous plant already known in folk medicine to fight fever, bleeding, ulceration, skin and biliary diseases, as well as bacterial and fungal infections. Teoside, a secondary metabolite that the plant produces for defensive purposes, is today obtained from cell cultures of plant stem cells, without any genetic manipulation (Del Toso R et al., Biotechnology in the production of plant ingredients. The nutritional supplement 2009 ; 12 (2): 17-25). The advantages of cell cultures lie in the production of the active ingredient in a desired and standardized quantity, independent of seasonality,  highly pure (absence of heavy metals, pesticides, environmental contaminants) and without affecting natural and environmental resources.

Thanks to this technology, TEOSIDE has been classified and approved for food use as the first Novel Food (“new” foods or ingredients regulated according to EC Regulation 258 of 1997).

The palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), studied in 1993 by the Nobel prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini, showed a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Thanks to her, now we know the so-called ALIA-effect (Autacoid Local Inflammation Antagonism): PEA is able to contain mast cells degranulation and release of cytokines such as IL1, IL6, IL10 and TNFα in tissues, which act as initiators and perpetuators of inflammation in response to harmful stimuli. In this way, the action of PEA allows a reduction of edema, pain and the inflammatory process itself.

N-Acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) is a N-acetylated derivative of the sulfide amino acid cysteine. The presence of sulfur confers antioxidant and mucolytic activity, particularly noticeable in case of congestion. As an antioxidant, NAC is able to enhance the glutathione system (GSH) and it also stimulates the activity of T lymphocytes and macrophages with benefits on immunomodulation. As a mucolytic and fluidifying agent, the free thiol group (SH) can break down the disulfide bridges characteristic of cyclic mucoproteins, inhibiting their aggregation and reducing the viscosity of mucus and facilitating drainage. Furthermore, NAC also acts on the purulent component of secretions thanks to its ability to depolymerize nucleic acids. The destructuring and inhibiting effect of bacterial biofilm is also important. Biofilms are protective structures that bacteria create to protect themselves from antibiotics, survive and perpetuate their presence in various districts, thus constituting a source of recurrences. Many studies have studied and confirmed that the contribution of NAC constitutes a non-pharmacological strategy to counteract these infections.

The NAC contained in Delthaprost is obtained from fermentating yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and not from animal sources.

The Polygonum cuspidatum is a perennial herbaceous plant of ancient origin having also been found traces of fossils dating back to the Tertiary. The rhizomes or underground roots are among the richest natural sources of Resveratrol, containing 400 times more than grapes and derivatives. Combined with the other active components (emodin and polydatin) able to increase its bioavailability, the phytocomplex of Polygonum cuspidatum shows marked anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, modulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid and nitric oxide, is appreciated for its anti-aging activity and studied for its antimutagen, anti-proliferative and anticancer potentials.turmeric 3089308 1920

Turmeric, known and used since ancient times for its extraordinary anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and pain-relieving properties, the latter thanks to its ability to act specifically on nociceptors. The active ingredients are Curcumin, Demethoxyinscumine and Bisdemetossicurcumina, more generically referred to as curcuminoids. Recent studies also document its antitumor and cardioprotective activity (Effects of Curcuminoids on Frequency of Acute Myocardial Infarction After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting-journal of Cardiology).

The extractive curcumin however suffers from a low intestinal absorption and a high hepatic metabolism with destruction of the active principles.

These critical issues are overcome using Meriva®, which exploits the ability of phytosomes to bind curcuminoids to phospholipids. In this way, the Meriva® complexes are directly internalized by pinocytosis in the intestinal cells (enterocytes) and conveyed in the lymphatic circulation avoiding the first hepatic passage and going directly the action sites. In fact the phytosomial Curcuma guarantees a bioavailability about 30 times greater than the unformulated one.

The pumpkin is the fruit of a plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family and is native to Central and South America. Already the tribes of the Native Americans but also the Chinese knew its properties to eliminate intestinal worms, to act positively on the urinary tract, both to maintain the muscle tone of the bladder and to fight urinary inflammation, to give relief in case of cystitis and counteract the enlargement of the prostate and the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (Continuous use of seeds and pumpkin oil reduces the symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy up to 80% with the first results within a few weeks)pumpkin seeds 1738174 1920 1

Pumpkin seeds have a high biological value as they are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid, omega-3), minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc, vitamins (B, C , E, K), tryptophan (precursor of serotonin, “the good mood hormone”), cucurbitin (amino acid with vermifuge properties) and betasterols.

Specifically, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that pumpkin seeds inhibit the growth of prostate cells in culture, reduce the symptoms related to BPH and cause reduction in prostate volume. These effects are due to the content of Zinc and phytosterols such as beta sitosterol, sitostanol, avenasterol whose structure is very similar to that of androgen and estrogen hormones. This confers the ability to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (thanks to the enzyme 5 Alfa Reductase), which is responsible for increasing the volume of the prostate.

The recommended dosage is 1 pc per day in case of onset or acute LUTS from BPH and prostatitis, possibly in addition to antibiotics, alpha-lithic and 5ARI based therapies.

The Deltha Pharma uro-gynecological line also includes the DELTHAMANNOSIO. If you want more information, click here