Deltha Pharma’s activities are governed by an internal CODE OF ETHICS that inspires conduct and actions according to principles of Transparency, Fairness, Legality, Honesty and Responsibility, in the same way as pharmaceutical companies.
Information and medical-scientific activities, production, promotion and dissemination as well as behavior and decorum are thus uniformly accepted, contributing to the characteristics that differentiate Deltha Pharma from similar companies.

Raw Material
The raw material used are exclusively of high quality. They are evaluated and chosen on the basis of their efficacy and laboratory tests. The consultation of both scientific literature and the data regarding the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics are an integral part of the conception/design of our supplements.
Furthermore, all raw materials are exclusively of Italian origin from quality-certified companies. The active ingredients are extracted using innovative techniques that preserve the structure of the molecules, ensure optimum bioavailability and have a low environmental impact.
Many of the raw materials used are novel foods protected by patents.
The effectiveness of all supplements is strictly dose-dependent, which is why all our products have a high dosage and high titration of active ingredients.
Consumer protecion
Food intolerances and allergies: attention to the individual is a cornerstone at Deltha Pharma. That’s why the formulations are designed so that those with food intolerances can take benefits. All products are gluten-free and lactose-free, therefore suitable for people suffering from celiac disease. Furthermore, strict controls carried out by external companies on each production batch guarantee the absence of contaminants, allergens, heavy metals, bacteria and fungi.
Shelf-life: to guarantee the consumer, Deltha Pharma applies a complex assessment to establish the shelf-life of its products: the time during which the product maintains an “acceptable” level of safety and quality and can therefore be used. Much more simply, it is the period during which the product can be stored and remain suitable for sale (maximum shelf life).
This includes the study of:
Packaging: the product’s preservation strategy is a guarantee of quality. For this reason, Deltha Pharma carries out stability and durability tests in the laboratories, but also packs the products in blisters and sachets that guarantee their integrity throughout their shelf life.
Storage and transport: Exposure to unsuitable temperatures, humidity and light can alter the characteristics of the product. Deltha Pharma ensures that the products are therefore handled and maintained under suitable conditions.

Clinical works
Deltha Pharma promotes research and the conduct of clinical and pre-clinical studies both in collaboration with Hospitals and University Institutes as well as in the distribution territory, in accordance with the latest guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Health on clinical work concerning the therapeutic and preventive value of food supplements.
With this in mind, in 2018-2019 two studies on the Urological-Urogynecological line have been conducted, aimed at assessing the contribution of Delthamannosio® in the treatment and prevention of recurrent cystitis and the role of Delthaprost® in the variation of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
A double-blind clinical work on intestinal dysbiosis caused by antibiotics with our product MASUROTA is currently in progress at the well-known Policlinico A. Gemelli Hospital in Rome.
In accordance with current regulations, as laid down by the Italian Ministry of Health, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency), food supplements and Phyto derivatives must also be monitored for possible side effects. Deltha Pharma has implemented the legislation and disseminated the adverse event reporting form, for a better control of consumer safety in the territory.
Since 2022 Deltha Pharma has been one of the founding members of AssoIntegratori, a non-profit Association of Food Supplements that carries out activities for the benefit of its members and the scientific community, with the following aims:
- Create a centre of scientific activity and promotion of the safe use of dietary supplements.
- Promote culture and scientific and regulatory updates on the correct use of food supplements.
- Promote quality throughout the food supplement production chain.
- Promoting a green and sustainable culture.